I have the most amazing friends. I don't have a lot of them because I am really picky. But the ones I have are AMAZING. They are inspiring, talented, uplifting, witty, smart, motivating and fun. I have my friend, Jennifer, who teaches yoga and zumba between Shakespearean productions and intellectual pursuits. There is sweet, cheerful Monica who has taught me everything from toll painting to jewelry making and a hundred other creative things over the 25 years that we have been friends. There is amazing Ali who makes movies and does body building all while flipping houses and day trading on the side. There is kind, funny Amy who is as quick witted as it gets as well as compassionate and sensitive and service oriented. Always thinking of others. I have Angela who has a degree in art history, a masters in business and teaches statistics at IU while also raising money for charity as well as raising a little boy. I have amazing friends. I love my friends! I was so blessed this year to have been able to spend one on one time with each of them. Jennifer and I went to Spain for two weeks and had a total blast. Jennifer, Amy and I went a cruise to Mexico for a week. Amy came to see me here in Robinson. So did Monica. I got to go to Arizona early this summer and visit them as well. Last weekend I was privileged to spend a few days with Ali at the Heartland Film Festival. Her first short film was chosen to show there (and ENORMOUS HONOR!) and she was kind enough to get me a directors pass so that I could hobnob with all the directors and producers there. I met Michael W. Smith (my husband's and son's favorite singer) as well as other high power and talented people. While there I ran into an old high school friend who now produces films. He was there at the festival showing his latest film starring Mira Sorvino. Oh yeah. Big leagues. We saw some great films (and some not so great) and had such a wonderful weekend. I thank Ali for allowing me to share it with her. I really do have amazing, inspiring friends and I have had a wonderful year because of them. So, thank you, amazing friends.