I had to use the word crazy in the title of this post. It just fit! We had a wild and wonderful Thankgiving week with a total of 23 people all running around having a fun family fest! We had aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, siblings and in-laws together under one roof (mine!) and it couldn't have been more fun. Besides eating non-stop, some of us went to zumba, some ran the 5k Robinson Turkey Trot, some cheered them on, some rode bikes, some hot-tubbed, some watched movies, some worked on a 10 hour Young Women's sewing project, some saw New Moon, some sat around and talked, some went fishing, some paddled around in the paddle boat, some played with the 4 dogs, some made what seemed like dozens of trips to Walmart, some shopped Black Friday, some got up early to run, some slept in, and ALL of us had a great time. The kids made marshmallow towers and chocolate lolly pops and candy necklaces. Then the moms all made dentist appointments. :) The kids also wrote and produced a wonderful Thanksgiving pagent including costumes and song. It was so great! What a talented bunch of actors we have! We fought over the 5 pumpkin pies, 4 chocolate pies, 2 apple pies, brownies, chocolate cake, pumpkin cake and dozens of cookies. We had two turkeys: one oven cooked to perfection and one deep fried, also to perfection! But the highlight of the week was Joe's cousin Caroline who made a surprise announcement. After scriptures and prayers one night she said she wanted to read something to us. She pulled out a large envelope and told us that she recieved her mission call 5 weeks earlier and had waited to open it so we could all be there. We were completely shocked. No one had any idea that this was coming except her parents. She opened it up and we could not believe where she was called. Leeds, England!! Just an hour or two away from where Joe's sister Suzanne lives with her family. It was an amazing and wonderful event. And the absolute highlight of the week. So now we are just left with a few stragglers who will be departing in the next day or two. Then back to crickets for the next eleven months until the next Family Fest Turkey Day. Who knows? Maybe by then Landon will have an announcement? :)