When Sophie and I were in Alaska we met a guy who had a Parrotlet. What, you may well ask, is a Parrotlet? A Parrotlet is just as it sounds: A tiny Parrot. Smart. Cute. Funny. Can talk. Do tricks. Etc. When we got home she was determined to get one. We searched for a long time. They are not easy to find (hand-fed, 9 weeks old, male, had to be green, etc.) We finally found this one a few weeks ago and she bought him with her own money. She is teaching him to play dead as we speak. I'm not really a bird person, but this thing is adorable. It is fully grown and should live--if all goes well--30 years. My grandkids may be playing with Cap'n Jack!

what a cute bird! he is a beautiful green. isaiah actually wanted a green one but they only had blue here. anyway, we love the little bird. i am not a bird person either but it's my favorite pet that we've ever had.
our bird is molting now, so it's a bit irritated and it nips, but he should get over it soon.
what kind of book did you get to know how to train it? i'd like to get one too.
I want one! Sounds like Sophie is in heaven. It is amazing the length we go to as parents to make our kids happy. I think pets are so important though. Cute pics! How's the pressure cooker?
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